Head Lice

The Board, recognizing that lice infestation at school can be a significant problem for students and staff, sets forth procedures outlined below to control and eliminate any outbreaks of lice that may occur. Nationally, there has been a significant rise in the incidence of lice. Anyone can get lice -- having them is no disgrace -- but doing nothing about them is a disgrace. By working together, we can prevent a serious increase of lice in our community. Following are some things that can be done by parents to help:
  1. Tell children not to share combs, brushes, hats, scarves, coats or other clothing with other children.
  2. Watch to see if a child scratches his/her head and listen for any complaints about itching of the scalp.
  3. Examine the child’s hair carefully. The lice will probably not be visible, but the nits (eggs) are. These are not much bigger than a grain of sand, they are oval shaped and are attached to the hair usually close to the scalp. They are fixed to the hair, and cannot be pulled off. The nits are grayish in color. Lice can spread rapidly and eggs may hatch in 3 to 21 days. Frequently, the scalp and neck are bitten.
  4. If nits are found, don’t panic. Treatment with special medication is easy and thorough if the directions are followed carefully. Ordinary shampoo does not kill lice and having clean hair does not prevent them. Hair does not have to be cut, and kerosene is not an appropriate treatment.
  5. The school must be notified if you find nits so the child’s classmates can be examined. This will help control lice in the school.
  6. A child will be excused for three (3) days so that his/her hair may be given proper care and treatment. After three days he/she will be expected back in school entirely free of nits.The child may return to school earlier if nit-free, as verified by school staff.
  7. If lice are found on a child at school the parent MUST make arrangements to pick his/her child up immediately.
  8. The child may not ride a school bus until cleared by school staff. school earlier if nit-free, as verified by school staff.
  9. IMPORTANT: The child is to remain home away from other children and not attend public gatherings, shows, etc., until free of infestation to prevent spread of infestation. If other members of the family are infested with nits or head lice, they too, should be treated for this condition.
Children will not be allowed to return to school until the hair is free of nits. Each child will be checked prior to being readmitted to the classroom and the treatment slip is filled out completely.

  1. Parents should obtain a prescription from their physician or use a medicated shampoo for lice from the pharmacy. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s directions.
  2. Put recommended amount of medication onto the affected area and the hairy areas around it. Rub vigorously, being sure to cover all hairy areas. Wet hair thoroughly with warm water, and work into a lather for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on product directions. Rinse hair thoroughly and rub with dry towel. Comb hair with a fine-tooth comb to remove any remaining nit shells. If you are using Kwell a second application may be needed in 7 to 10 days. If you are using a non-prescription shampoo it should be reapplied in 24 hours. Also, re-apply again in 7 to 10 days.
  3. Vacuum upholstered furniture daily for several days. Wash all bedding and clothing in hot water and dry on high heat. There are sprays available for contact surfaces.