Our District » Board of Education Concern Procedures

Board of Education Concern Procedures

Thank you for bringing your concern to our attention.  The Board of Education will continue listening to our community and parents.  The Board of Education oversees the operations of the district. We hire a Superintendent to handle the day-to-day operations while the Board provides policy and direction for the Superintendent.  With that, please consider the following chain of command before filling out the attached form.

If you have a complaint or an issue, please consult Policy 9130 as it lists the process and who to contact.  You may also refer to this diagram to help resolve your concern/complaint.

Problem Conflict Channel Guide Graphic
If you believe that your issue needs to be brought to the Board of Education or you have a general comment for the Board of Education, click HERE to complete a form that will be automatically emailed to all members of the Board of Education when you hit submit.  While all members of the Board of Education will receive your message, the Board President, who is the designated spokesperson for the Board of Education, will be the only member who responds to your submission.