District Testing Schedule
Coloma Community Schools utilizes a number of measurements of academic progress in order to better analyze and plan instruction. The yearly testing schedule is provided to help students and parents know when important testing dates are coming up.
The Michigan Student Test of Education Progress is a state-required assessment for grades 3-12. It is used by the state to measure student academic growth as well as provide parents with a measure of a district's overall academic progress.
PSAT and SAT scores are used to help inform overall trends in student academic growth, identify weaknesses in curriculum, and help track students' progress towards post-secondary success. The College Board oversees the development of the PSAT and SAT assessments and provides many parent resources to help students prepare for the SAT in 11th grade.
Created by the Northwest Evaluation Assocation, the NWEA MAP Growth benchmarks are used by teachers as a part of PLC planning during late starts to better adjust instruction throughout the school year. It is a nationally normed test that gives students, parents, and teachers an indicator of what students are ready to learn, and what they already have mastered. They provide a parent toolkit with resources.